Home > Jukebox Archive > 10th May, 2015
Combined efforts towards a Common Cause - NSPA Jukebox
Combined efforts towards a Common Cause
"Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise." - Victor Hugo
Such a wonderful quote and so fitting for the current tragedy that has befallen us. The Nepal earthquake was one of the most tragic incidents to have happened and we are deeply saddened by the loss and grief that is eating into the lives of those affected by this calamity. We pray that help reaches them soon and we also encourage you to do your bit towards this cause.
In the NSPA, we've been busy with a lot of activities. From conducting interviews for our summer internship to setting up fun performances at various locations, we've had our plates full all week. Here are some fun things that unfolded these past two weeks:
A heartwarming video on empowering the girl child
Tushar Maithani, an NSPA artist, came up with the wonderful idea of documenting the thoughts of the children he teaches in a 'Teach for India' school. Their insights, fears and aspirations lead to the creation of the moving video, 'Gudiya Rani,' which was created in collaboration with the NSPA. The video is an interesting one, one which calls you to relook at the way girl children are treated in our country, while also presenting the hidden desires that lie in the hearts of these angels, bubbling with life and dreams. Do take a look at the video, and if you believe in the message, share it with friends and family. To more the story behind the creation of this video, read our post: Gudiya Rani Read Blog Post Now!!
 Watch Video Now!!
Here are some of the best performances from last week
A fun performance at Dadar Station!
So we're back to busking at Central Railway stations and last week, we held our opening performance at Dadar station. The experience was euphoric, with swarms of commuters stopping by and joining in the melodious mania. RAM-trio, our talented Sufi rock band performed too and the audience just loved them! Watch their performance and the energetic reaction of the commuters here: |
Well, that's all for this week folks. We'll be back next week with the latest gossip and goings-on. Till then, take care and don't let those worried wrinkles crinkle your brow!
Till we meet again!
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